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by Theo Strauss

由西奥·斯特劳斯(Theo Strauss)

如何以正确的方式发送电子邮件:跟踪,跟进并获得回复。 (How to send an email the right way: track, follow up, and get a response.)

银河电子邮件指南:第三部分 (The Emailer’s Guide To The Galaxy: Part III)

As I discussed in my previous two posts, I’m 17, so my network isn’t too big just yet. For me, cold emails are the easiest and most direct way to reach a founder. Over the past year, I’ve sent over 100 emails to CEO’s, founders, and heads of design, and have figured out how to ensure a response.

正如我在前两篇文章中讨论的那样,我今年17岁,所以我的网络还不太庞大。 对我来说,冷电子邮件是联系创始人的最简单,最直接的方法。 在过去的一年中,我已经向首席执行官,创始人和设计负责人发送了100多封电子邮件,并弄清楚了如何确保响应。

Contrary to what most people think, emailing isn’t as simple as writing, sending, and waiting. Once you click the send button, the journey’s only getting started.

与大多数人的想法相反,发送电子邮件并不像编写,发送和等待邮件那样简单。 单击发送按钮后,旅程才刚刚开始。

Quick note: this is the third post in a series all about cold-emailing. If you haven’t read or , I recommend giving those a look before starting here.

快速说明:这是有关冷害的系列文章中的第三篇。 如果您还没有阅读 或者我建议您在这里开始之前先看一下。

This post is all about maximizing your chances of getting a response. So, we’re diving into the specifics of when to send your email, how to track it, and why you should follow up to strengthen your chances of hearing back. So, sit down, open Chrome, and let’s get to work.

这篇文章是关于最大程度地获得回应的机会。 因此,我们将深入探讨何时发送电子邮件,如何跟踪电子邮件以及为什么要跟进以增加回覆的机会。 因此,请坐下,打开Chrome,然后开始工作。

在点击发送之前 (Before clicking send)

Right now, that send button you’re looking at does one thing and one thing only: moves your email from your drafts folder into your recipient’s inbox. To keep an eye on your email’s progress, that email needs to be tracker-enabled.

现在,您正在查看的“发送”按钮只能做一件事:将电子邮件从“草稿”文件夹移动到收件人的收件箱中。 为了密切注意电子邮件的进度,该电子邮件需要启用跟踪器。

什么是电子邮件跟踪器? (What is an email tracker?)

At the most basic level, an email tracker, well, tracks your email. It tells you when it’s been opened.

在最基本的级别上,电子邮件跟踪器可以很好地跟踪您的电子邮件。 它会告诉您何时打开。

But, as you go more in-depth, a tracker can reveal a bunch more info:


  • How many times it’s been opened

  • Where it’s been opened

  • Who’s opened it

  • When they went to your website

  • Where they’ve gone on your website


Why are these things important? With data on where and when your email has been opened, you can infer if they are traveling, are at home, or are even at their office. Figuring out the best time to approach them is essential.

为什么这些事情很重要? 利用有关打开电子邮件的时间和地点的数据,您可以推断出他们是在旅行,在家中,甚至在办公室中。 找出与他们接触的最佳时间至关重要。

Knowing if multiple devices have opened your email can give you clues into if the person you reached out to forwarded your note to a colleague.


And, knowing if and where they’ve gone on your website allows you to craft a follow-up pushing the work you’ve done that they didn’t see.


We’re going to get into the details of how to use a tracker later on.


我应该使用哪个电子邮件跟踪器? (Which email tracker should I use?)

There are tons of trackers out there. They all have pros and cons. The one I’ve found to be the best in a lesser-known platform called .

那里有大量的追踪器。 他们都有优点和缺点。 我发现在一个鲜为人知的平台 ,它是最好的。

The reason Bananatag works so well is that you get all of the premium features up front. The only thing separating the free plan from the pro is how many emails you can send a day (you get 5 per day + 25 per friend you recommend).

Bananatag之所以如此出色,是因为您可以预先获得所有高级功能。 将免费计划和专业版分开的唯一一件事是每天可以发送多少电子邮件(您每天收到5封电子邮件,而您推荐的每个朋友则收到25封电子邮件)。

I’ve tried Yesware, SalesHandy, and Mailtrack. Bananatag came out on top, no question.

我已经尝试过Yesware,SalesHandy和Mailtrack。 毫无疑问,Bananatag脱颖而出。

如何启用香蕉标签 (How to enable Bananatag)

Before sending your email, go to Bananatag’s website and follow the instructions when setting up your account. After you’ve followed the instructions, Bananatag integrates with your email client. You’ll see the Bananatag settings when you open up a draft email, even though it tracks by default.

在发送电子邮件之前,请访问Bananatag的网站并按照说明进行设置。 按照说明进行操作后,Bananatag将与您的电子邮件客户端集成。 打开电子邮件草稿时,即使默认情况下它会跟踪,您也会看到Bananatag设置。

发送电子邮件的最佳时间 (The best time to send your email)

In the world of email, timing is everything. From my research and testing, I’ve found a date and time that delivers the best results.

在电子邮件世界中,时间就是一切。 通过我的研究和测试,我发现了可以带来最佳结果的日期和时间。

一周中的天 (Day of the week)

So what’s the best day to send an email?


I send all of my emails on Tuesday and came to the same conclusion I did. Here’s why:

我在星期二发送了所有电子邮件 , 得出了与我相同的结论。 原因如下:

Most people assume the best day to send an email is Monday, being the first day back from the weekend. But, Monday is actually the busiest day of the week. Not only are founders swamped with email from the weekend, they spend most of the day planning meetings for the week.

大多数人认为发送电子邮件的最佳日期是星期一,即周末的第一天。 但是, 星期一实际上是一周中最繁忙的一天 。 创始人不仅在周末充斥着电子邮件,而且他们大部分时间都在计划一周的会议。

Others think Wednesday is the best because it’s the middle of the week. But, as the week drags along, CEO’s have already sunk into their routine and finalized their week’s schedule.

其他人则认为星期三是最好的,因为那是一周的中段。 但是,随着一周的拖延,首席执行官的工作已经陷入日常工作中,并最终确定了一周的时间表。

Tuesday is the middle-ground between those two. The workload has died down from Monday and they’re not still in their grr-Monday-mindset.

星期二是这两者之间的中间地带。 从星期一开始工作量就减少了,他们还没有保持grr-Monday的思想。

一天中的时间 (Time of day)

MailChimp made breaking down what time of day their customers received the most mail. It’s easy to see that 10 - 11 AM is the “optimal” send time. I have A/B tested sending emails in the morning and the night and I’ve found that it varies depending on whom you’re writing to.

MailChimp制作了细分了客户在一天中的什么时间收到的邮件最多。 很容易看到10-11 AM是“最佳”发送时间。 我已经对A / B进行了早上和晚上发送电子邮件的测试,发现它取决于您要写给谁的电子邮件。

Generally, I send at 7:50 AM. The reasoning for this is that most CEO’s get up at 8 to get to their job by 9. What’s the first thing most people do each morning? Check their email. Slipping your email in right before they wake up ensures that they see your email at the top of their list.

通常,我在7:50 AM发送。 这样做的原因是,大多数CEO会在8点起床,直到9点才开始工作。大多数人每天早上要做的第一件事是什么? 检查他们的电子邮件。 在电子邮件醒来之前立即将其插入,可确保他们在列表顶部看到您的电子邮件。

This isn’t true for everyone, though. Startup founders are known to get into the office later, maybe around 10 or 11. Try to find an article where they go through a routine or find the earliest they’ve tweeted. Always try to send 10 minutes before they wake up.

但是,并非所有人都如此。 众所周知,初创公司的创始人可能会在10或11岁左右进入办公室。尝试找到一篇文章,了解他们的日常工作或最早发推文的人。 务必在醒来前发送10分钟。

准确地在您想要的时间发送电子邮件 (Sending your email exactly when you want to)

Another great feature of Bananatag is email scheduling.


When you open your Gmail draft, the Bananatag integration provides a button that says “Send later.” If you click it, you’ll see a calendar, which allows you to pick the date and time you want to send your email.

当您打开Gmail草稿时,Bananatag集成会提供一个“稍后发送”按钮。 如果单击它,您将看到一个日历,该日历使您可以选择要发送电子邮件的日期和时间。

So, if you don’t want to bother waking up right on time, this ensures you don’t have to while getting your letter out the door.


点击发送后 (After clicking send)

Once your email flies out the door, it’s time to chill until they open it. If you timed it well, they’ll open your note within minutes.

一旦您的电子邮件从门外飞了,就该放松一下,直到他们打开它。 如果您安排得当,他们会在几分钟内打开您的记事。

The first open doesn’t mean much. They could have just tapped on it and pressed delete right away, they might’ve read the whole thing. It only gets exciting once they click a link or respond.

第一次公开赛没有多大意义。 他们可能只是轻按它,然后立即按Delete键,所以他们可能已经读完了整个内容。 一旦他们单击链接或做出响应,它就会变得令人兴奋。

Once the recipient clicks a link, the whole game changes. Why? Bananatag gives you their IP address.

收件人单击链接后,整个游戏就会改变。 为什么? Bananatag给您他们的IP地址。

When you write a cold-email, the main point is getting across what you have accomplished and putting forth your best work. Unfortunately, most of the time, people tend to look at whatever entices them, and it might not be what you want them to see. Your follow-up is the place to get them back on course.

当您写一封冷电子邮件时,重点是了解您已完成的工作并提出您的最佳工作。 不幸的是,在大多数情况下,人们倾向于看着吸引他们的东西,而这可能并不是您希望他们看到的东西。 您的后续行动是使他们重回正轨的地方。

With their IP address, you have the ability to track their moves across your website, as most analytics platforms (Google, Squarespace, etc) support page visits. Indexing by IP address, you’re able to see which pages on your website they go to.

使用他们的IP地址,您可以跟踪他们在您的网站上的移动,因为大多数分析平台(Google,Squarespace等)都支持页面访问。 通过IP地址建立索引,您可以查看网站上的哪些页面。

And, if after a week, they’ve gone through your site but haven’t replied, it’s game time once again.


起草后续行动 (Drafting a follow-up)

A follow-up is the chance to not only show that you’re truly interested in getting in touch, but to direct their attention to the more impressive parts about yourself or your work.


Here’s an example follow-up I use, which I insert into a reply to the first email sent:


Hi [first_name],


I just wanted to check in to see if you got the email I sent about a week ago. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

我只是想检查一下,看看您是否收到了大约一周前发送的电子邮件。 我很想听听您的想法!

I also remembered that I worked on a project I forgot to include in my last note. I’d be thrilled if you .

我还记得我从事过一个项目,但我忘了在上一个笔记中加入这个项目。 如果您我会很高兴。

The email is just above this one in the thread. Looking forward to chatting. Cheers,

电子邮件恰好在该线程中的上方。 期待聊天。 干杯,

The email is just above this one in the thread. Looking forward to chatting. Cheers,Theo

电子邮件恰好位于该线程中的该电子邮件之上。 期待聊天。 干杯, 西奥

In this follow-up, I concisely remind them about my note, link to my best work they didn’t get to, and wrap up.


Using your knowledge about where they have or haven’t been on your site, you can effectively increase your chances of getting a reply.


从这往哪儿走 (Where to go from here)

After reading this three-part series, you’re ready to go out and conquer the world of emailing. Remember, confidence is key.

阅读了这个由三部分组成的系列文章之后,您就可以出去征服电子邮件世界了。 记住,信心是关键。

If you liked this post, hold down that ? icon (you can go up to 50, you know).

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请按住它? 图标(最多可以增加到50个)。

to learn more about design from a new perspective, literally. For the next few months, I’m diving into how design will intersect with the future. On this page, you’ll see case studies looking into self-driving cars and posts highlighting interfaces that are breaking boundaries in the world of UI/UX.

,从新的角度真正地了解有关设计的更多信息。 在接下来的几个月中,我将深入研究设计如何与未来相交。 在此页面上,您将看到有关自动驾驶汽车的案例研究,并突出显示了打破UI / UX世界边界的界面。

You can also catch me on and on !





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